Library Card databases
The following databases require that you either have a State Library card or be in the library to access the following databases.
You may obtain a FREE State Library card by clicking here:
You may obtain a FREE State Library card by clicking here:
Provides authoritative manuals online with monthly updates. Thousands of domestic and imported car, truck, van and SUV models from 1940-present and includes repair, maintenance and specification tables are covered. Gale Virtual Reference Library
Core collection of online reference books in the following subject areas-health, history, government & law, science, education and business. Learning Express Library
Online learning platform of 300+ practice tests covering ACT, SAT, GED, and more. Complete answer explanations and study suggestions. ProQuest (1986+)
Provides the full text (image or text+graphics) from 1,700+ magazines/journals and newspapers for K-12, college, and general users, including Barron's. SIRS Discoverer (grades K-9)
Full-text articles and graphics from more than 1,600 U.S. and international magazines, newspapers and U.S. government documents, which were carefully selected for their educational content, interest and level of readability for middle and elementary curriculum topics. World Book Foreign Language Edition: Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (Spanish Language Encyclopedia)
Traducción de lengua española de la enciclopedia del descubrimiento del estudiante del libro del mundo. Los artículos, los mapas y las imágenes son incluidos. (Spanish-language translation of the World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia. Articles, maps and images are included.) World Book Public Library Edition: World Book Online Info Finder (grades 5-9)
is designed to support student information needs with research tools and science project information along with encyclopedia articles. World Book School Edition: World Book Advanced (grades 9-12+)
is a powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book and primary source databases. World Book School Edition: World Book Kids (grades K-5)
contains thousands of easy to read articles, interactive games, teacher resources and more. |
eBooks on EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary)
Full text of 10,000+ commercially published books in the arts, humanities, social sciences, life and physical sciences, business, computers & more, plus Cliffs Notes. HeritageQuest
Of interest to those researching local history and family histories, it includes U.S. Federal Census records from 1790 thru 1940; 25,000+ family and local history books (every word searchable); the PERiodical Source Index/PERSIT (a comprehensive subject index covering more than 6,500 genealogy & local history periodicals); and Revolutionary War Pension & Bounty Land Warrant Application Files. Mango Languages
Offers courses in more than 60 languages to allow users to learn, listen and speak their chosen languages. Courses for English learners begin in the student’s native language and teach English. The courses focus on four key areas of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and culture SIRS Issues Researcher (grades 6-12)
A general reference database containing thousands of full-text articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, business, economic, political and global issues. World Book Public Library Edition: World Book Online for Kids (grades K-5)
contains thousands of easy to read articles, interactive games, and more. World Book Public Library Edition: World Book Online Reference Center (grades 9 - adult)
includes encyclopedia, e-book and primary source content plus computer tutorials and life skills information. World Book School Edition: World Book Discover
a reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases. Features include article read aloud, and a job and life skills section. (For differentiated instruction, i.e.ESL, reluctant readers and adult learners) World Book School Edition: World Book Students (grades 5-9)
contains encyclopedia articles, maps, images, timelines and more. |