Trustee Bylaws
Article I - Name and Authorization
This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Freeman Public Library”, existing by virtue of the provision of Chapter 14-2 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under the said statute.
Article II - Mission Statement
Freeman Public Library provides materials, programs and services to residents of all ages in Freeman and the surrounding community to assist in their pursuit of information and resources to meet their educational, professional and personal needs. Particular emphasis is placed on delivering quality reference services and providing popular materials of high interest to the residents of the Freeman community. The library also serves to stimulate young children’s interest and appreciation for reading and writing.
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-35, the Board of Trustees is composed of six members. One member as a representative of the Freeman City Council and five members who are appointed by the Freeman City Council in a manner as follows:
a. The Board will submit the name of a new nominee or nominees to the Freeman City Council for approval.
b. Vacancies occurring prior to the completion of a full term shall be similarly filled for the remainder of the term.
c. All appointments are for a period of three years commencing January 1.
d. Trustees are to serve no more than two consecutive terms. Appointments to fill an unexpired term may subsequently be followed by two consecutive three year terms.
e. After serving for two consecutive terms, a member must be off for a full three-year period before being eligible for reappointment.
f. When any trustee fails to attend three consecutive meetings, the Board has the discretion to
determine if the trustee is unable to fulfill his term. If so, the president shall notify the city council,
request the disqualification of the trustee, and suggest the name of a person qualified to fill the
g. Appointments shall represent the city at large without regard for ward lines.
h. Reappointments are at the prerogative of the city council.
i. All trustee members of the Board, including the secretary-treasurer, share in the responsibility for developing a list of nominees.
j. The president or the secretary-treasurer shall confirm willingness to serve.
k. The secretary-treasurer is responsible for notifying the city commission of any action taken regarding the need for appointment or reappointment hearings.
l. Library board members collectively attend a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education concerning library board issues every three years.
Section 2. Obligations of Board members.
a. Under provisions of SDCL 14-2-40, the duties, functions and responsibilities incurred by Board members are many and varied. Included but not limited to, they are:
1. Attend Board meetings
2. Employ a competent and qualified head librarian
3. Establish policies to govern the operation of the library
4. Approve the bylaws of the Board
5. Provide for adequate record keeping
6. Be an active spokesperson throughout the community regarding anything that addresses library programs, needs and concerns
7. Prepare and approve an annual budget
8. Review and approve an annual report to be submitted to the Freeman City Council and state librarian
9. Perform an annual employee review of the head librarian
Article IV - Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Board are a president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. The librarian shall serve as secretary-treasurer of the Board on a permanent basis during his/her tenure as librarian. All other officers are elected by a majority vote from among the appointed trustees at the annual meeting of the Board in January. Election of an officer occurring at any other time during the year is filled on an interim basis or only until the next annual meeting.
Section 2. Nominations for officers come from the floor. There is no nominating committee.
Section 3. Officers serve a term of one year from the annual meeting at which they are elected and until their successors are duly elected. An officer may serve in the same office for a maximum of three consecutive terms before he/she must remove herself/himself for no less than one full term before being able to serve again in the same office. Vacancies in office are filled as described in Article IV Section 1, at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs.
Section 4. The president presides at all meetings of the Board, authorizes calls for special meetings, appoints ad hoc committees, and executes all documents approved by the Board.
Section 5. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall perform all duties authorized for the president.
Section 6. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-42 the following duties specifically relate to the responsibilities held by the librarian as a nonvoting member of the Board:
The librarian serves as executive secretary-treasurer. He or she does not vote on issues before the Board but otherwise attends all meetings except the portion of those when his or her appointment, salary, or performance evaluation, is to be discussed or voted on. The secretary-treasurer performs such duties as are generally associated with that office, including, but not necessarily limited to the following: keeping a true and accurate account of all proceedings; preparing and submitting any and all reports requested by the Board or required by law; issuing notices of all regular meetings, and on authorization of the president, of all special meetings; maintaining custody of minutes and other records of the Board and maintain all financial records.
Article V - Financial Policies
Section 1. The librarian and trustees oversee special fund accounts used by the library, but outside the scope of the city fund. These special fund accounts include library fines and gifts collected which support the library. The Board of Trustees shall approve all expenditures from these accounts. The librarian shall be the authorized signer of all accounts and provide a monthly financial report of all funds.
Article VI - Committees
Section 1. Special committees for the study and investigation of special problems may be appointed by the president to serve until they have completed the work for which they were appointed.
Article VII - Meetings
Section 1. The regular meetings shall be held each month, the date and hour to be set by the Board.
Section 2. An annual meeting, which shall be for the election of officers, shall be held at the time of the regular meeting in January of each year.
Section 3. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a simple majority of the voting Board members.
Section 4. The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items that shall be covered in the sequence shown so far as circumstances permit:
1. Roll call of members
2. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
3. Approval of financial report and expenditures
4. Librarian’s report
5. Communications and correspondence
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
8. Adjournment
Section 5. The librarian shall email the meeting agenda to each member of the Board no less than three days prior to the meeting.
Article VIII. - Librarian
Section 1. The librarian is the Board’s executive officer and shall have sole charge of administering the library under the Board’s direction and review. The librarian shall be responsible for employing and directing the staff, for selecting library materials, for the care of the buildings and equipment, for the efficiency of the library’s service to the public, for operating the library under financial conditions set forth in the annual budget, and performing duties as listed under the city librarian job description in the City of Freeman Employee Handbook. The librarian shall keep exact accounts of all moneys received or expended, and shall report on such receipts and expenditures at each regular meeting of the Board. The librarian shall perform the duties of secretary-treasurer of the Board, and shall attend all Board meetings except when her or his employment or salary is to be discussed.
Article IX - General
Section 1. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-29, members of the Board may receive per diem and expenses in the performance of their duties in amounts set by their respective governing bodies (Freeman City Council).
Section 2. Until approved otherwise by Board action, existing policy states that members of the Board receive no compensation for their services, but they may be reimbursed for those actual and necessary expenses which have received prior authorization.
Article X - Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of the members present at any regular Board meeting that has a quorum, provided that the amendment was stated in the call for the meeting which was mailed to the members at least one week before the meeting.
This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Freeman Public Library”, existing by virtue of the provision of Chapter 14-2 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under the said statute.
Article II - Mission Statement
Freeman Public Library provides materials, programs and services to residents of all ages in Freeman and the surrounding community to assist in their pursuit of information and resources to meet their educational, professional and personal needs. Particular emphasis is placed on delivering quality reference services and providing popular materials of high interest to the residents of the Freeman community. The library also serves to stimulate young children’s interest and appreciation for reading and writing.
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-35, the Board of Trustees is composed of six members. One member as a representative of the Freeman City Council and five members who are appointed by the Freeman City Council in a manner as follows:
a. The Board will submit the name of a new nominee or nominees to the Freeman City Council for approval.
b. Vacancies occurring prior to the completion of a full term shall be similarly filled for the remainder of the term.
c. All appointments are for a period of three years commencing January 1.
d. Trustees are to serve no more than two consecutive terms. Appointments to fill an unexpired term may subsequently be followed by two consecutive three year terms.
e. After serving for two consecutive terms, a member must be off for a full three-year period before being eligible for reappointment.
f. When any trustee fails to attend three consecutive meetings, the Board has the discretion to
determine if the trustee is unable to fulfill his term. If so, the president shall notify the city council,
request the disqualification of the trustee, and suggest the name of a person qualified to fill the
g. Appointments shall represent the city at large without regard for ward lines.
h. Reappointments are at the prerogative of the city council.
i. All trustee members of the Board, including the secretary-treasurer, share in the responsibility for developing a list of nominees.
j. The president or the secretary-treasurer shall confirm willingness to serve.
k. The secretary-treasurer is responsible for notifying the city commission of any action taken regarding the need for appointment or reappointment hearings.
l. Library board members collectively attend a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education concerning library board issues every three years.
- No one board member can obtain all 15 hours
- Online course-work must be pre-approved by the SDSL CE Coordinator and the site must be archived and reviewable by the SDSL Accreditation Committee at the time of application.
- Libraries are responsible for keeping an accurate record of their own collective board CE hours, events and dates.
Section 2. Obligations of Board members.
a. Under provisions of SDCL 14-2-40, the duties, functions and responsibilities incurred by Board members are many and varied. Included but not limited to, they are:
1. Attend Board meetings
2. Employ a competent and qualified head librarian
3. Establish policies to govern the operation of the library
4. Approve the bylaws of the Board
5. Provide for adequate record keeping
6. Be an active spokesperson throughout the community regarding anything that addresses library programs, needs and concerns
7. Prepare and approve an annual budget
8. Review and approve an annual report to be submitted to the Freeman City Council and state librarian
9. Perform an annual employee review of the head librarian
Article IV - Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Board are a president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. The librarian shall serve as secretary-treasurer of the Board on a permanent basis during his/her tenure as librarian. All other officers are elected by a majority vote from among the appointed trustees at the annual meeting of the Board in January. Election of an officer occurring at any other time during the year is filled on an interim basis or only until the next annual meeting.
Section 2. Nominations for officers come from the floor. There is no nominating committee.
Section 3. Officers serve a term of one year from the annual meeting at which they are elected and until their successors are duly elected. An officer may serve in the same office for a maximum of three consecutive terms before he/she must remove herself/himself for no less than one full term before being able to serve again in the same office. Vacancies in office are filled as described in Article IV Section 1, at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs.
Section 4. The president presides at all meetings of the Board, authorizes calls for special meetings, appoints ad hoc committees, and executes all documents approved by the Board.
Section 5. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall perform all duties authorized for the president.
Section 6. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-42 the following duties specifically relate to the responsibilities held by the librarian as a nonvoting member of the Board:
The librarian serves as executive secretary-treasurer. He or she does not vote on issues before the Board but otherwise attends all meetings except the portion of those when his or her appointment, salary, or performance evaluation, is to be discussed or voted on. The secretary-treasurer performs such duties as are generally associated with that office, including, but not necessarily limited to the following: keeping a true and accurate account of all proceedings; preparing and submitting any and all reports requested by the Board or required by law; issuing notices of all regular meetings, and on authorization of the president, of all special meetings; maintaining custody of minutes and other records of the Board and maintain all financial records.
Article V - Financial Policies
Section 1. The librarian and trustees oversee special fund accounts used by the library, but outside the scope of the city fund. These special fund accounts include library fines and gifts collected which support the library. The Board of Trustees shall approve all expenditures from these accounts. The librarian shall be the authorized signer of all accounts and provide a monthly financial report of all funds.
Article VI - Committees
Section 1. Special committees for the study and investigation of special problems may be appointed by the president to serve until they have completed the work for which they were appointed.
Article VII - Meetings
Section 1. The regular meetings shall be held each month, the date and hour to be set by the Board.
Section 2. An annual meeting, which shall be for the election of officers, shall be held at the time of the regular meeting in January of each year.
Section 3. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a simple majority of the voting Board members.
Section 4. The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items that shall be covered in the sequence shown so far as circumstances permit:
1. Roll call of members
2. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
3. Approval of financial report and expenditures
4. Librarian’s report
5. Communications and correspondence
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
8. Adjournment
Section 5. The librarian shall email the meeting agenda to each member of the Board no less than three days prior to the meeting.
Article VIII. - Librarian
Section 1. The librarian is the Board’s executive officer and shall have sole charge of administering the library under the Board’s direction and review. The librarian shall be responsible for employing and directing the staff, for selecting library materials, for the care of the buildings and equipment, for the efficiency of the library’s service to the public, for operating the library under financial conditions set forth in the annual budget, and performing duties as listed under the city librarian job description in the City of Freeman Employee Handbook. The librarian shall keep exact accounts of all moneys received or expended, and shall report on such receipts and expenditures at each regular meeting of the Board. The librarian shall perform the duties of secretary-treasurer of the Board, and shall attend all Board meetings except when her or his employment or salary is to be discussed.
Article IX - General
Section 1. Under the provisions of SDCL 14-2-29, members of the Board may receive per diem and expenses in the performance of their duties in amounts set by their respective governing bodies (Freeman City Council).
Section 2. Until approved otherwise by Board action, existing policy states that members of the Board receive no compensation for their services, but they may be reimbursed for those actual and necessary expenses which have received prior authorization.
Article X - Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of the members present at any regular Board meeting that has a quorum, provided that the amendment was stated in the call for the meeting which was mailed to the members at least one week before the meeting.